Bringing the dead back to life

Way back in the day, I created my first CMS (Content Management System) type of website. This was in the mid-nineties, so it was before CMS types of websites were even an idea.

It was driven by a forum, which fed posts onto the front page. I used the forum as a personal blog, making posts into sub-forums as a way to categorize content.

In the early 2000’s, I moved to WordPress. The old site languished, but I kept it running. I wasn’t sure why at the time, but it felt like the right thing to do.

Recently, the site’s server upgraded PHP and MySQL, which finally broke the site. Nothing but errors if you tried to visit it. So I faced a undesirable decision: troubleshoot an antique, or completely retire it.

I let it sit. After all, no one complained. No one missed it. Why invest time into it?

Well, last night, I invested time into it. And I couldn’t be happier. It is like reconnecting with an old friend. Or more precisely, finding an old diary and dusting it off.

It isn’t perfect. The front page no longer pulls content from the forum. I had to correct a few graphical issues. And I had to remove and/or clean up a lot of code to get the forum back up. But it is back. And it is a hell of a lot of fun to look at content that I created way back when.

There probably are a few issues here and there. And I don’t know if I will ever add new content to the site. But just knowing that it is alive again is oh so satisfying.

And I still get a kick out of the pair of “eyes” that follows your cursor around on the main page. It is fun to see them chase and watch your actions. Big Brother is watching you!

If you want to take a look at it, the main page is here. And the forum is here. Just keep in mind that it has been years since new content was added. If nothing else, it inspired me to write this post, so the creative spark is alive and well.


Lecter_org CMS