Feeling taxed? Why not start a religion? They are tax-exempt after all.
Wait—I get the feeling that you think I am being facetious. I’m not.
For example, imagine a science fiction writer, unhappy with being paid poorly, and then taxed on top of that. He starts a religion, mixes in a smattering of psychiatry and then, for good measure, obscures facts with a bit of scientific façade. Throw in an alien overlord and bits and pieces from the pages of yesteryear’s pulpy science fiction. Extort the IRS into turning a blind eye—and voilà—a “religion” is born!
Ok. You got me. Clearly, I’m making all of this up. Forget that I brought this up, and go about paying your taxes. Sometimes, my imagination runs wild.
“Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion.”