Write Right Rite


Here is a method for writing right, made into a rite.

Schedule a time to write every day.

Make the time short, so that it is easy to commit to. For me, fifteen minutes is good.

Then, at that time, sit down and write.

If you don’t know what to write, think about what you want to write.

If you know what you want to write, think about what you want to say.

If the words don’t come, simply sit and stare at the blank page. For every one of those scheduled minutes.

When the words come, write them. Don’t edit. Don’t correct. Just pour them onto the page.

You can always go back and edit them before you hit the publish button. And in today’s digital age, you can even fix errors post-publication.

The idea is to get comfortable with writing at a regular time.

Get comfortable with creating.

Get comfortable with that glaringly white page.

Make the practice into a rite to help you write right.